UGX 18,000,000
Poker card members
Product testing on-going
Strategic Focus:
Primary Health Care User friendly Card book for the deaf
Target Beneficiaries:
Deaf women and youths
Type of Solution:

A card book that will promote inclusiveness by helping deaf women and youths acquire primary Health care knowledge on HIV/AIDs through graphics, illustrations and images that can be understood by the deaf.


PokerCard is helping deaf persons aged 10 – 35 years who want to seek primary Healthcare knowledge on HIV/AIDS by providing graphic illustrations to enable them interpret HIV/AIDS awareness messages and achieving health inclusiveness.

Sexually active deaf persons (aged 13 – 35 years) in the greater Northern Uganda are having difficulties in interpreting HIV/AIDS awareness messages. Currently, they’re using sign language interpreters, but PokerCard is offering a simplified and easy – to – understand graphic illustrations which is making both the illiterate and literate deaf persons to even further understand and interpret HIV/AIDS awareness messages. This is promoting access to equitable primary healthcare information regarding HIV/AIDS.

Progress and Results

The team has held various experiments with the deaf community within Kitgum to help them understand their needs in regards to accessing and interpreting information on HIV/AIDS before they can scale their solution

  1. Needs Assessment: We want to learn whether deaf persons understand HIV/AIDS preventive information given to them in graphics illustrations. Results from the experiment reveal that 8 out of 10 deaf adults were able to accurately interpret the graphic illustrations; 5 out of 10 deaf children were able to interpret the graphic illustrations and Youth aged 17-37 have better pictorial interpretation compared to children below 17 years
  2. Graphic interpretation by deaf people: The purpose of this experiment was to discover whether deaf persons aged 17 years and above can interpret HIV/AIDS information presented in graphic visuals. The participants were able to interpret the HIV/AIDS messages presented in graphic illustrations with an average of 83% of the participants interpreting the graphic illustrations for the four thematic areas of; Limiting the number of sexual partners, getting tested and knowing your partner’s HIV status, using a condom correctly every time you have sex, and avoiding sharing sharp instruments like; shavers, razor blades, toothbrush, injection needles.
  3. Testing HIV/AIDS knowledge in the control group (hearing people who associates with deaf person): Through this experiment, the team wanted to want to learn about the HIV/AIDS knowledge gap among the hearing people who associates with Deaf person (control group). On average, the participants were able to score over the pass mark of 50% implying that the hearing people who associate with deaf person will have a wider knowledge on HIV/AIDS because of the intense verbal media campaign on HIV/AIDS over the years.
  4. Assessing the proficiency of Uganda Sign Language (USL) in HIV/AIDS education: Through this experiment, the team intended to learn whether deaf persons in Kitgum district, aged 17 years and above are fluent/proficient in USL in regard to HIV/AIDS education.

Challenges and Lessons Learnt

Difference in the sign language used by the deaf community in northern Uganda in comparison to the nationally recognized Universal Sign Language(USL) making it hard for the deaf community to interpret messages curated for scale purposes